ActiveMSers – a website designed to help, motivate and inspire those with multiple sclerosis

Stuart SchlossmanAdditional MS resource sites, An MS Patients Story

Dave Bexfield, 45, is the founder of, a website designed to help, motivate and inspire those with multiple sclerosis to stay as active as possible—physically, intellectually and socially—regardless of physical limitations. Established when Dave was diagnosed in 2006, ActiveMSers has helped hundreds of thousands of people with MS from around the world through its encouraging website, blogTwitter feedFacebook page, and discussion forum
Its motto: Be active, stay fit and keep exploring! 

ActiveMSers is designed to help, motivate, and inspire those with multiple sclerosis to stay as active as possible—physically, intellectually, and socially—regardless of physical limitations.  > Unbiased reviews and tests of gear
ActiveMSers reviews, tests and compares MS aids including cooling vests, trekking poles, forearm crutches, medication coolers, and more.
> Expert advice on multiple sclerosis exercises
With input from physical therapists and MS experts, ActiveMSers will show you how to maximize mobility through exercise and stretching.
> 100s of helpful tips and tricks on living with MS
Find tips about living with multiple sclerosis, from how to deal with heat to coping with fatigue to traveling the world. Get motivated!
> Forum, blog, and free newsletter
Connect with fellow MSers for advice and tips through our web forum. Learn how to cope through our blog. Sign up for our free e-newsletter.

An Albuquerque, NM, resident and longtime professional writer, Dave’s efforts have been championed by The New York Times, featured in a half-page promotion in the Wall Street Journal and he has been profiled often in local media. His video recapping his groundbreaking NIH-sponsored stem cell transplant won fan favorite at the American Academy of Neurology 2011 Neuro Film Festival and was used to lobby for health insurance reform on Capitol Hill. And this past August one of his travel stories won the international New Mexico True ultimate insider contest thanks to the support of dedicated members. Armed with attitude and a pair of forearm crutches, Dave continues to travel the world with his wife of 20 years, Laura.

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