About Stuart Schlossman – The provider of this Blog for those affected by Multiple Sclerosis

Stuart SchlossmanAbout Stuart, Multiple Sclerosis

~~ Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). 

When I was diagnosed in 1998 with MS, there was little information available, without sourcing it all on the internet. Most people who I know, were skeptical about using the internet to find information. MANY whom I still know, do not know how to find things on the internet. 

This is why I do, what I do, in finding disseminating and providing information for those affected by MS, VIA this blog, via my website or via my weekly e-Newsletter. 

REGISTER if not receiving my weekly e-newsletter by clicking here: www.register.msviewsandnews.org

~~ Personally: I try to do, what I can, when I can.. Know what I mean? Learn more of me by visiting my website (www.msviewsandnews.org) and clicking on the “about Stuart” link.

Other places to find me or the information provide:

www.facebook.com/msviewsandnews  (MSV&N on Facebook)

Know somebody affected by Multiple Sclerosis?
Ask them to remain CURRENT with Multiple Sclerosis news & information 
 when registered at the  MS Views and News  website
.Weekly e-Newsletter now reaching (86) Countries. .
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– all contributions are tax deductible – 
We are a 501c3 – Not for Profit Charity
Providing You with ‘MS Views and News’is what we do
Disclaimer:  ‘MS Views and News’ (MSVN), does not endorse any products or services found on this blog. It is up to you to seek advice from your healthcare provider. The intent of this blog is to provide information on various medical conditions, medications, treatments, and procedures for your personal knowledge and to keep you informed of current health-related issues. It is not intended to be complete or exhaustive, nor is it a substitute for the advice of your physician. Should you or your family members have any specific medical problem, seek medical care promptly.
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