A way to deal with heat sensitivity

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

From the WebMD MS community, How one reader gets ready
for a power walk in the heat — and avoids MS complications.


Nancy04232004 posted:
Like many of us, we do not deal with heat very well. I have found that drinking lots of liquids such as water and/or flavored with a powder like Crystal Lite helps this. Even before my dx of MS, I had issues with this to the point of heat stroke when I could not sweat. My drinking extra water enables me to sweat and we all know that this is a way to stay cool. For quite some time, I have been drinking around 3 liters a day, sometimes more. When I recently went for a power walk for my regular exercise in 91 degree heat, I managed to complete my walk without seeing my MS symptoms temporarily flare up by allowing me to sweat properly and I did not feel like a wilted flower either. In order for this to work, I would highly stay away from sodas, tea and coffee as these will draw water out of your system, rather than to replenish it.

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