A review on stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis: special focus on human embryonic stem cells

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, Stem Cell Related


Geeta Shroff

Department of Stem Cell Therapy, Nutech Mediworld, New Delhi, India

Abstract: Multiple sclerosis (MS), a complex disorder of the central nervous system (CNS), is characterized with axonal loss underlying long-term progressive disability. Currently available therapies for its management are able to slow down the progression but fail to treat it completely. Moreover, these therapies are associated with major CNS and cardiovascular adverse events, and prolonged use of these treatments may cause life-threatening diseases. Recent research has shown that cellular therapies hold a potential for CNS repair and may be able to provide protection from inflammatory damage caused after injury. Human embryonic stem cell (hESC) transplantation is one of the promising cell therapies; hESCs play an important role in remyelination and help in preventing demylenation of the axons. In this study, an overview of the current knowledge about the unique properties of hESC and their comparison with other cell therapies has been presented for the treatment of patients with MS.

Keywords: multiple sclerosis, stem cells, human embryonic stem cells, remyelination, axonal loss, neurological disorder

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