A MS Patient’s story: How I’m Living Well With MS, a Decade After My Diagnosis

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story, Inspirational, Multiple Sclerosis

I wanted to help myself win against MS, but I’m so glad I didn’t stop there.

     Kendra and David Lyons pose at their fitness and wellness center in Murrieta, California.
              Robert Randall

It’s been more than 11 years now since my diagnosis with multiple sclerosis (MS), and nearly 10 years since I stepped back into the gym on my mission to beat MS through bodybuilding and fitness.
So far, it’s been a remarkable ride, with highlights ranging from competing in a bodybuilding competition in 2009, to starting the MS Fitness Challenge (MSFC) charity in 2012 (in partnership with my wife, Kendra) and receiving the Health Advocate Lifetime Achievement Award from Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2015.

MS Fitness Challenge Reaches Across the Globe

I am particularly excited to see how far the MS Fitness Challenge — a charitable program created to educate people with multiple sclerosis on fitnessnutrition, and maintaining a positive mindset — has expanded since Kendra and I founded it.
I am now working with and helping people with MS as far away from my base in California as South Africa and Switzerland, designing personal fitness programs, motivating people to fight MS through changing their lifestyle, and supporting them in their efforts to conquer this disease.

At the same time, I am waging my own war with MS on my preferred battlefield — the gym — and training for an award I will be receiving from the International Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation as I head toward my 60th birthday in 2018.
It’s an honor and a privilege to serve as an encouragement to so many people with MS worldwide and to be acknowledged for my accomplishments on this journey with and for MS.
I never look at this MS voyage as one I am on alone or that is about me. The thousands of amazing and courageous people with MS I have met along the way have made this a “family” effort to positively impact lives. I am humbled, I am grateful, and I am blessed beyond belief to have you all in my life. Sharing my life, my triumphs, and my struggles with you has had such a positive impact on me and continues to do so. It has inspired me to continue to create more ways to connect with and be of service to the MS community, as well as driven me to keep setting new goals in the gym.

MS Symptoms Continue to Pose Their Own Challenges

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