A medical breakthrough is bringing new hope to multiple sclerosis patients

Stuart SchlossmanMS Drug Therapies, MS Research Study and Reports, Multiple Sclerosis

OKLAHOMA CITY — A medical breakthrough is bringing new hope to multiple sclerosis patients.

Doctors at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation say a new drug is showing promising results treating the illness.

Dr. Gabriel Pardo of the OMRF said, “This medication is going to help a lot of patients.”

Pardo is on the front lines of MS research at OMRF and he’s conducting tests on patients for a new drug to fight MS.

“That trial was done in over 800 patients,” Pardo said.

MS is an autoimmune disorder where the body essentially attacks itself.

Symptoms can include blurred vision, tremors and imbalance.

The new drug appears promising researchers believe it reduces the effects of the disease.

A big benefit is that only one dose of the drug is required each year.

The dose is given through the veins.

Typical treatment currently can be monthly or even daily injections.

Pardo says this could be a real game changer is MS research.

WATCH a VIDEO and Read more: http://www.koco.com/health/30096916/detail.html#ixzz1i4fLbJRJ

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