6 Ways My Dog Helps Me Live Better With Chronic Illness

Stuart SchlossmanComplementary & Alternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)



For 10 years now I have shared my life with a border collie named Izzy. She was welcomed into our home at a time when my rheumatoid arthritis (RA) seemed under control. While Izzy is technically a family dog, she is really my dog. I am the one she follows around the house, or “talks” to at night when she wants out or is scared by a storm. It’s my side of the bed she sleeps on during the day. I believe Izzy came into our lives for many reasons, but most importantly, she came for me. She came to teach me how to live better with my chronic illness.
Soon after Izzy joined our family, my RA took a nosedive. For the next several years, I struggled in ways I never imagined possible. More than once I was asked, “Why in the world would you choose a border collie when you are also dealing with RA?” For starters, I believe we are drawn to that which we need, and I need the lessons Izzy teaches me.

1. Motivation. You’ve heard the saying “move it or lose it,” right? During a dark time in my RA history — when just getting out of bed was a struggle — I took this saying to heart. I knew that gentle movement would help, and walking provided that for me. Many days I couldn’t hold the leash (I secured it around my waist) or walk very fast, but I knew if Izzy didn’t follow her daily walk routine, I would pay for it later at night when my RA is at its worst and she would pace the floor from lack of exercise. Because of Izzy’s high energy needs, she has always been my best motivator to “move it.”
2. Rest without guilt. While it is good to move when we can, sometimes adopting the resting habits of dogs can be beneficial. Dogs have a special way of playing hard and then napping without guilt. Izzy reminds me that if I need to go to bed early, nap during the day, or be a couch potato for a bit, I should do just that.
3. Know your limits. – click here to continue


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