11 Mental Tricks to Stop Overthinking Everything

Stuart SchlossmanMemory (Cognition), Misc. Tips - Non MS Related

 I am posting this article because, well, I hardly ever sleep, as My brain is too busy thinking  ~~~ Says: Stuart Schlossman – (Patient advocate for MS community)

Read when you’ve got time to spare.

                  Being a leader requires confidence, decisiveness, and quick thinking–none of which are served by overthinking
every decision or scenario or worrying about every move you make.
There’s a time to think, a time to act, a time to reflect, and a time to
move forward.

Overthinking causes us to spend too much time thinking,
getting stuck in a loop of inaction, and turns positive reflection into
debilitating worry. Not only does it not move us forward, it moves us
backward and downward.

For three decades, I’ve been coaching employees and
entrepreneurs with tendencies to overthink things, and I can share 11
mental tricks to dash the dissecting and stop the overscrutinizing.

1. Reopen the door only when new information knocks.

goes into overdrive when we keep revisiting decisions we make, refusing
to close the door on a call that has been made. Believe that you’ve
done your due diligence, and revisit something you’ve already decided
only when you’re presented with new information.

2. Know that overthinking and problem solving aren’t the same thing.

ruminating and going over scenarios and possibilities often disguises
itself as problem solving. It feels like you’re doing something good and
useful. But you’re not, you’re just spinning in a circle. Recognize
when you’re overthinking something, don’t act like it’s problem solving,
and press fast-forward.

3. Remember the 90-10 rule.

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