11 Lifestyle Tips to Help You Manage MS Symptoms

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis (MS) Symptoms

 By Diana Rodriguez / Medically Reviewed by Jason Paul Chua, MD, PhD

Reviewed: April 4, 2023

Your daily habits can make a big difference in how you feel when you have MS.iStock (2); Canva

Because multiple sclerosis (MS) affects the central nervous system, it can cause symptoms throughout the body, including numbness, fatigue, and problems with balance. But taking good care of your body — in addition to sticking to your multiple sclerosis treatment plan — can help you manage your MS symptoms.

“We are beginning to better understand the importance of these additional measures,” says Lisa Billars, MD, a neurologist with Kaiser Permanente in Atlanta. “The focus is not only on treating the disease, but also about optimizing the health of patients in light of their medical condition.”

From keeping your cool — literally — to staying mentally engaged and physically active, following these lifestyle tips can help you stay healthy and live your best life with multiple sclerosis.

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