10 Questions: Cherie C. Binns, RN, MSCN

Stuart SchlossmanAsk an MS Nurse

Published: Mar 15, 2014
What do you most often wish you could say to patients but don’t? “I do say it! Your healthcare team is human with feelings just like you!,” says Cherie C. Binns, RN, MSCN in response to one of 10 questions MedPage Today is asking healthcare professionals.
In addition to being a practicing nurse who has been in healthcare for 40 years, Binns is an independent multiple sclerosis (MS) certified nurse. She is a member of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, and a member of the International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses. Binns serves on the medical advisory board for “Multiple Sclerosis Views and News.” She is based in Wakefield, R.I.
1. What is the biggest barrier to practicing medicine today?
There is just so much attempt at oversight that it ties our hands and prevents us from really acting out the caring that we wish to give.
2. What is your most vivid memory involving a patient who could not afford to pay for healthcare (or meds, tests, etc.) and how did you respond?
Actually, it is ongoing right now. A patient who had a pain pump implanted; her doc left the area [and there’s] only other doc in the area who takes patient’s insurance. [That physician] will not see the patient due to two missed appointments 2 years ago. The specialty cannot be duplicated nearby or paid for by insurance out of area. Lots of dialogue with office staff…they will now take patient back on trial basis because for 2 years, the pump has not been accessed or maintained due to their termination of care.
3. What do you most often wish you could say to patients but don’t?
Actually, I do say it! Your healthcare team is human with feelings just like you! We are not invincible! Treat us with respect and we will do everything in our power to help you! Be an active member of your healthcare team!
4. If you change or eliminate something about the healthcare system, what would it be?
Less regulation and more freedom to practice as we see fit, and as our patients need. Insurance,or lack thereof, often prohibits us from giving the best and most appropriate care.
5. What is the most important piece of advice for med students or doctors starting out today?
Take very seriously what the nurse tells you! She or he is with the patient for 8 hours [versus] your 5 minutes every day and knows what is going on. Listen when asked by them to order a med or treatment! Learn from them.
6. What is your “elevator pitch” to persuade someone to pursue a career in medicine?
This is a vocation and not a job! If you approach it as that, things will make sense and be far easier, and results will be more favorable. If you are in this for the money and not the human in front of you, turn and run — don’t walk — away. Medicine is not about the potential income but about the potential for growth, compassion, humility, and care. If that is how you meet the challenge, you will be a far better person for it.
7. What is the most rewarding aspect of being a nurse?
The ability to always learn something new each day if you listen and look for ways to think out of the box.
8. What is the most memorable research published since you became a nurse?
I think the fact that we can now effectively treat cancers and autoimmune disorders with a person’s own stem cells and immune system fighting on their behalf is awesome!
9. Do you have a favorite medical themed book, movie, TV show?
“ER” used to really hold my attention and keep me on top of my game. “House,” although so immensely improbable, generally had me coming up with the diagnosis before it was announced on the show. So much of what is on today is nothing but soaps with a guise of medical theme. It is not really worth watching right now.
10. What is your advice to other healthcare professionals to avoid burnout?

Take time for you. Every day, even if it is only 10 minutes, do something that gives you joy, relieves stress, helps increase your understanding. Make each day have something “new” in it. If you are tempted to be grumpy with someone coming to you for care, step out of the room, take a few deep breaths, imagine yourself being hugged or patted on the back or cared for in whatever way best suits you. Armed with that, go in and listen with new ears and see with new eyes. There but for the grace of God are you sitting on that table or in that chair.

SOURCE: http://www.medpagetoday.com/nursing/Nursing/44783

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