For persons with MS, Tips on Handling the “heat”

Stuart SchlossmanMisc. MS Related, News from

Information found below was obtained From Julie Stachowiak, Ph.D., in your Guide to Multiple Sclerosis in:

Make Your Own Cooling Products for MS Heat Intolerance

My neck coolers this year are a nice floral pattern that goes with everything. Now I have to figure out the rest of my summer wardrobe, trying to find clothes that don’t make me panic that they will be stifling when I put them on.

Read the full article: Make Your Own Cooling Products for MS Heat Intolerance

Tips to Survive the Summer with Multiple Sclerosis

I’ve decided that a big part of getting through the summer is to convince myself that I can do it and that it is no big deal. It will be a lot easier to maintain that confident attitude if I am also taking precautions to avoid overheating, like toting around a plastic bottle of frozen juice (which sounds pretty good, actually, and more realistic than installing a backyard pool).

Read the full article: Tips to Survive the Summer with Multiple Sclerosis

What Are Some Things That Help You Cope With the Heat?

I think I’ll stick some grapes in the freezer today. It sounds so cool and refreshing and better for me than the ice cream I’ve been eating for dinner.

Read the full article: Readers Respond: What Are Some Things That Help You Cope With The Heat?

An Overview of Heat Intolerance and MS

We all may have our own way to describe how we feel in the heat – I think hot temperatures just “turn up the volume” on any MS symptoms that we have. If you get hot, you also may have the special experience of finding out about old nerve damage that you weren’t even aware of. The great news is that all this goes away when you cool down (although I often still feel more tired than usual even after I am back to room temperature).

Read the full article: An Overview of Heat Intolerance and MS


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