Beware the person selling Snake-Oil Cures

Stuart SchlossmanMisc. MS Related, Misc. Tips - Non MS Related

Beware the person that claims that he or she has the cure for what ails you.

Often the term snake-oil, should be used to describe these kinds of people.

Where did I get the idea of writing this today? After a few people contacted me a few days ago, when they saw an advertisement in one of our local newspapers that invited people to his (in this case a D.O.) website to view a video on his way to cure MS, ALS.

His ad implies that he can cure :
Multiple Sclerosis – MS (or ALS)
Fatigue, numbness, tremors, sexual dysfunction, weakness,visual disorders, impaired mobility, slurred speech, spasticity,chronic aching, pain, depression, mild cognitive and memory difficulties

He provided a url to watch a video (which I do not want to put to print as I do not want this guy coming after me).

He can cure MS because it’s tied to the endocrine system, not neurological and by working with your hormones, blah, blah, blah,,, — He claims that the medicine you are using is not doing anything. He doesn’t tell you to stop. Instead he tells you to continue and eventually after using his services, you will be cured….

I wrote to a few reliable sources and gave them the link to watch the video.

As one person responded to my remark that this guy is a freaking “clown”..
He is not clown, because there is nothing to laugh about.
He is a crook and a charlatan and should be arrested. – “B”

And here is a message from another:
I listened to most of the first video, and it sounds to me like they’re preying on people by way of helping them. I mean, he talks about food sensitivity, leaky gut syndrome, celiac disease — stuff that anyone with or without MS could have, and finding those things would make you feel somewhat better. So they look and look and look until they find something wrong with you other than MS, that makes you feel better, then they claim they helped your MS. That’s what it sounds like to me. It’s CRAZY. – Kasey

Simply said, I ask you to be careful when you are told or read that a “Professional” has a cure for you. Was he/she on any major newswire service?

Do research before shelling out dollars to those who prey upon the disabled, ill or needy.
If you are able to read this message, then you are on the internet and if on the internet you have access to just about anything in print or media. USE the internet wisely to read-up on new things you hear about.

This person, here in Florida will eventually hear from me as I do not like it when people come to me in fear. In fear that they are currently doing something wrong by being on an approved ms therapy instead of using his remedy……

Have you ever experienced anything like this?

Have a good day…


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