Information for this grassroots site was provided by Jim G. in California
A Consortium Of Scientists, Institutions And Individuals CommittedTo Solving The Worldwide Vitamin D Deficiency EpidemicThe Daction project is an international public health project to solve the
vitamin D deficiency epidemic. The major components of the project are Education:
Diagnosis & Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency seminars. Tours to educate the public and health care personnel in brief (1-2 hour)
Exhibits at major medical conferences.
Testing of vitamin D levels
GrassrootsHealth is sponsoring the use of blood spot test kits (laboratory analysis done by ZRT Labs) for a $60.00 fee to each
individual. The tests are to be done twice a year by each individual
along with the submission of some basic health data. The kits are
not available as a ‘stand alone’ without health data.
A 5 year study will be done with the data
accumulated from the individuals tested to evaluate the results of the program in disease prevention and to help create a long term
plan for public health.
Medical institutions and groups are encouraged to contact
Carole Baggerly, Director,[email protected]
to discuss how they can participate with their health plan participants.
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