Progressive forms of Multiple Sclerosis may have new and viable treatment options

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis

July 1, 1:31 PMLima Multiple Sclerosis ExaminerLori Friend

Dr. Saud A Sadiq, of the Multiple Sclerosis Research Center of New York(MSRCNY), has this to say about their new findings, “We have opened an avenue of treatment for an otherwise untreatable form of MS. This is exciting news because it’s the first time a treatment has been shown to be effective in the late stages/progressive forms of MS.
The MSRCNY and the International Multiple Sclerosis Management Practice(IMSMP) put together what is called a retrospective, open-label, chart review case study of MS patients and intrathecal methotrexate(ITMTX).
The study followed 87 patients with secondary-progressive MS and 34 patients with primary- progressive MS for about 8 treatments of the ITMTX along with a one year follow-up after that 8th treatment or their last treatment.
The patients were given Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) evaluations which showed stability or improvement in 89% in the secondary-progressive patients and 82% in the primary-progressive.  There were significant improved means EDSS post-treatment scores within the 1st group, but they found the 2nd group didn’t show as much of a change as the 1st group post-treatment.



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