“Stu’s Views” on MS News

Stuart SchlossmanAbout Stuart, Multiple Sclerosis

Stu’s Views:

First, let it be said that what I write here on this blog posting is just my opinion.

For many it will be seen and understood as either a positive or a negative and as I explained to someone yesterday who is fed-up with many things being told to the ms community, there are positives and negatives to everything in life.

That for every positive, there is a negative,,,

Almost everyday, I am asked my opinion on drugs (medications) in circulation or of those being studied. And so, here is what I see/think with medications soon on the horizon and for some already on the market.

Whether it be TysabriCladribine, Fingolimod (FTY-720) or anything else in use, or not yet being used for MS.

Like Tysabri, during clinical trials there was no problem with PML and like many of these other meds in final studies or getting ready for approval, there also are not many problems to keep it from being launched.

It’s not until thousands begin using the medications that problems are then discovered, that were not known to happen during the trials… Are the negatives being held back so that the drug is launched? This I can not answer. 

There are risks and potential side effects to everything you use or do, in life. It’s what risks you want to take to enjoy the life you have…. Some sky dive or go bungee jumping. These are things I would not choose to do and instead I find joy and happiness in other things, like providing “you” with information” and doing other forms of entertainment. Yet getting back to those that Sky dive, many of you will say hey that is way too risky for me to do..

And then there are those that know that taking certain medications may be more risky than others, but have found that without taking that particular medication, that their level of “QOL” (quality of life) did not measure-up, prior to that medication.

So, in essence, taking a specific path or using a certain medication may be the same for those, that Skydiving or bungee jumping, may be for others……  Get my drift?

I hope to see your comments. Here at this blog posting or on my facebook page, where this article will feed-to, as soon as it gets published…..

Have a great day everybody… 

Stuart Schlossman



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