Rehab My Way Exercises – By Cherie C. Binns RN BS MSCN

Stuart SchlossmanAlternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), An MS Patients Story

Rehab My Way Exercises
By Cherie C. Binns RN BS MSCN
Water exercise seems to have a very positive impact on this aging MSer and I can feel energy and strength return to a body that has almost forgotten how that feels.
My daily workout as of January 2008:   (30-35 minutes)  As with any exercise routine, remember to breathe fully and normally so your muscles are getting needed oxygen as they move in ways that may be foreign to them.
Warm up
  • Sit on seat in spa and move with the water by circling arms and legs, rolling ankles and shoulders, neck side to side in slow gentle motions.
Exercise Routine
  • Pull-ups on the two safety rails at right angles to my seat.   (I started with 5 and am now up to 100+)
  • Hamstring stretches.  Legs in a ‘V” as broadly stretched as possible, toes pointed, lean over one for 20-30 seconds and then the other.  5 sets of these.   (started out with one)
  • Glut (butt) stretch:   Rest ankle on opposite knee.   Push down on knee of top leg while gently lifting ankle with other knee till you feel a stretch across the buttocks.   Hold 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
  • Torso stretch:   While holding the safety rails, keep upper body straight and twist at waist with upper leg bent towards chest and lower leg extended fully and slightly behind the body. Start out with one to each side and slowly add more as your body accommodates..
  • Quad stretch:   Pull foot behind body, grab ankle and apply pressure toward back till a solid stretch is felt in upper thigh.   Hold 20-30 seconds.   Repeat on other side.   Start out with one per leg and advance as tolerated.
  • Calf Stretch:   With one leg extended behind you and foot flat on floor of pool, lean forward till the entire lower leg feels stretched.   Hold 20-30 seconds and repeat on other leg.   Start with one per leg and work up as tolerated.
Pilates Moves
  • Sit with back flat against the side of the pool, knees bent.   Pilates band with handles is through the lower arm of the safety rail.   Keeping arms straight, pull arms to just behind and beside waist and hold stretch for 20 seconds.   Release and repeat.  After your targeted number of these (3-5 at the beginning) turn your hand over and repeat the exercise.   It works the muscles on the opposite side of the arm. 
  • Sit on a bench under water sideways to the pool wall.   Take about 18-22” of tubing with a handle on the end and hold it under your hand on the safety rail.   Place the foot of your outside leg in the hand hold and move leg sideways as far as you can , keeping knee straight.   Hold 20-30 seconds, repeat until you have met your target stretches (start with 2 or three work up as tolerated.)  I now am doing 40-50 of these daily on each leg.
  • Turn body 90 degrees so you are near the other safety rail with the other leg on the outside and repeat this exercise on the remaining leg.
  • Pilates tubing or exercise bands can be wrapped around calves or thighs and resistance placed on muscles by spreading legs as you maintain the tension.   Hold each move for at least 10-15 seconds.  Remember not to overdo when you start.   Add one or two or even 5 (but no more) reps every few days as you become comfortable with the routine.
Cool Down
  • Face down , cradle your head and face on folded arms on the highest seat or edge of pool and flutter kick for several seconds to several minutes.
  • Sit securely in one of the corner seats in the pool and flutter kick or bicycle for several seconds to several minutes.
Be sure to drink a full 8 ounces of water for every 10 minutes of exercise to replenish lost fluid and flush the system of toxins released as you have exercised.  This intake should be in the hour following your routine.
Water Temperature
In the summer when it is over 75 degrees outside or in the room in which I am working, I keep the water in the spa set between 83 and 86 degrees.   In the winter when the room temperature is in the 50s or 60s, the water temperature is kept between 90 and 92.   Remember, the benefit of working out in the water with MS is that it does not raise your core temperature, thereby causing MS symptoms to worsen.   You can work longer and harder without becoming over heated.   And the use of Pilates tubing or Exercise bands for resistance helps to build muscle strength in the water where weights would be less effective.
Many chapters of the NMSS (National Multiple Sclerosis Society) offer fitness scholarships to people with Multiple Sclerosis (PWMS).  Check with your local chapter or dial 1-800-FIGHTMS to find out more.   If your Dr. has written an order for water therapy with Multiple Sclerosis as the diagnosis, this may help to get funding help.   It also helped us to put a small cool pool (a 7’ Jacuzzi) in our home and get a tax deduction to the extent allowed by IRS guidelines.  The investment changed this life forever!

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