‘Real Housewives of D.C’ star, Michaele Salahi, reveals she has multiple sclerosis

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

Michaele Salahi of The Real Housewives of D.C. and part of the infamous “White House party crashers” says she has multiple sclerosis, following criticism of her thin frame by her co-star .
“No one wants to be seen as sickly,” Salahi, 44, told Peoplemagazine. “I didn’t want to be pitied. The only way I can deal with it is to smile and act like I can get through it.”

The authorized book by journalist Diane Dimond, called Cirque du Salahi: Be Careful Who You Trust, says Salahi has suffered from the disease, which is characterized by the the destruction of the fatty sheath that protects nerve cells, for almost 17 years.

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