Novartis to help MS patients pay for Gilenya

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, Oral MS Medications

Highlights of the important and interesting in the world of healthcare:
Novartis to pay for Gilenya. Novartis will pay out-of-pocket costs for patients who use its new multiple sclerosis drug Gilenya — up to $800 a month. And the drugmaker will foot the bill — up to $600 — for clinical testing and monitoring the FDA required as part of the product’s approval, according to FiercePharma.
Middlemen waste billions. Hospitals and health providers that purchase medical devices through group purchasing organizations waste billions of dollars each year, according to a new study funded by the Medical Device Manufacturers Association, according to Kaiser Health News.
Pharma expected to grow more in 2011. The value of the global pharmaceutical market is expected to grow between 5 percent and 7 percent next year, reaching $880 billion, up from the 4 percent-to-5 percent growth that’s expected this year, according to a new report from IMS Health, Pharmalot blog reports.


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Disclaimer:  ‘MS Views and News’ (MSVN), does not endorse any products or services found on this blog. It is up to you to seek advice from your healthcare provider. The intent of this blog is to provide information on various medical conditions, medications, treatments, and procedures for your personal knowledge and to keep you informed of current health-related issues. It is not intended to be complete or exhaustive, nor is it a substitute for the advice of your physician. Should you or your family members have any specific medical problem, seek medical care promptly.
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