Gilenya Launch for Multiple Sclerosis Starts Slow for Novartis

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, Oral MS Medications

November 11, 2010
Analyses are solely the work of the authors and have not been edited or endorsed by GLG.


Gilenya became available in the US on Oct 4. Reports indicate just 13 enrollment forms within the first week. Numerous challenges lie ahead for a very effective therapy with very high expectations.


Novartis has their work cut-out for them. While Gilenya holds the spotlight, the therapy has limited time before additional oral MS medications crowd the market. Gilenya comes with a significant monitoring requirement, along with safety concerns shared by both physicians and patients. Insurance coverage is a potential problem due to the pricing. Additional factors, along with market dynamics, make this launch and the ensuing year a challenge. Upcoming therapeutic agents in 2011 through 2013 are diverse, and may fill specific niches.


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