New Copaxone® data reported from AAN demonstrate clinical benefits of switching MS patients to Copaxone®.

Stuart SchlossmanMS Drug Therapies, Multiple Sclerosis

April 12, 2011
Additional study data show significant improvement of cognition and improved quality of life measures following treatment with Copaxone®.
These data will be presented on Wednesday, April 13 (Coptimize) and Thursday, April 14 (QualiCop). See abstracts embedded below.
Coptimize Study
·         Results from the Coptimize Study demonstrated that patients who switched to Copaxone® from other approved injectable and infused disease modifying therapies experienced a significant reduction of 65 percent (p<0.0001; signed rank test) in annualized relapse rate (ARR).
·         Switching to Copaxone® treatment also halted the progression of disability of patients in the trial as measured by expanded disability status scale (EDSS) scores.
QualiCop Study
·         Findings from the QualiCop Study revealed that patients who were either treatment naïve or previously-treated, showed a robust improvement in cognitive function, with 70 percent of patients (n=460) treated with Copaxone® experiencing an improvement or stabilization in measures of cognition after 12 months of treatment.
·         Additionally, patients on Copaxone® experienced improved overall multiple sclerosis functional composite (MSFC) scores; the MSFC measures leg function/ambulation, arm/hand function and cognitive function.
·         No disease progression was observed among patients over 12 months of treatment in the QualiCop Study.
Copaxone® is the U.S. and global market-leading relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) treatment. Copaxone® offers long-term efficacy, safety and tolerability, as established by more than 20 years of clinical experience and more than one million patient years of therapy experience.

The full press release can be found here:
Information provided by RX Mosaic

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