PO Box 1083, Buxton Norwich NR10 5WY
Telephone: 0844 41 45 295
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.ldnresearhctrust.org
Contact: Linda Elesgood
May Newsletter
1. You can download the May newsletter from http://ldnurl.info/may_newsletter_2011
2. if you have problems download the latest version of Adobe reader free http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/
3. SPECIAL OFFER For those receiving this email we offer a FREE Ion watch (RRP£9.99) with any shop order of £10+ during May. Feedback on the watches has been good people say they have more energy wearing one they sell at £4 shop link http://ldnurl.info/ldnshop
Order as normal, you will receive an email asking what size watch you require, Small/Medium/Large.
4. Irish LDN Conference 2011, have you booked? http://www.ldndatabase.com/conference2011.html, hope to see you there.
5. International LDN Aware Week Audio DVD, 91 people have been interviewed Including prescribing doctors, scientists, users from 13 Countries, covering 19 conditions , a further 45 interviews are arranged. Please email me if you would like to take part, I can protect your identity if you prefer. We need as many people to come forward as possible to cover the globe and all conditions. I look forward to hearing from YOU soon, thank you to all of you that have taken part so far we couldn’t do it without you.
LDN Research Trust web links
LDN RT Main website: http://ldnurl.info/ldnrt
LDN RT Forum: http://ldnurl.info/forum
LDN RT Chat Room: http://ldnurl.info/chat
LDN RT Facebook http://ldnurl.info/facebook
LDN RT on Twitter: http://ldnurl.info/twitter
LDN RT YouTube Channel: http://ldnurl.info/youtube
LDN RT Birmingham Conference: http://ldnurl.info/birmingham2010
LDN TR Shop: http://ldnurl.info/ldnshop
To Donate: http://ldnurl.info/donate
Volunteer: http://ldnurl.info/volunteer
LDN Aware Website: http://www.ldnaware.org/
All ideas and suggestions are welcome to raise awareness and funds for LDN.