Teen with multiple sclerosis gets to be a firefighter for a day

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story, Multiple Sclerosis

Story provided by US Marshal – Ed Abboud in Miami

Disabled Teen’s Firefighter Wish Granted

By Christina Hernandez 

Miami-Dade firefighters are more than heroes to 13-year-old Rodolfo Alejandro Caceres.
Tuesday, they were genies.
Caceres, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, dreams of being a firefighter and he got his chance, thanks to the firefighters at Station #47 in Westchester.
“He’s a strong individual with strong will,” Station Fire Chief Herminio Lorenzo said. “We’re going to accommodate him and treat him like we do all our other firefighters.”
It’s all thanks to firefighter Frank Mirabal, who is friends with one of Caceres teachers at Glades Middles School. She knew he dreamed of being a firefighter. That’s when she called Mirabal.
“You see a kid in this situation and you have the opportunity to help,” Mirabal said.
Caceres even got to show off his new work uniform to his classmates. It’s also where Mirabal honored his new friend – presenting the teen with a badge the veteran firefighter received 16 years ago.
Now, Mirabal said he is going to be part of the 7th graders life forever and it’s something Caceres’ mom, Lucy Caceres, will never forget.
“It’s a happy moment,” she said, wiping away tears. “These are tears of joy.”
Posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 8:12 PM EDT

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