Results prove that the company’s blood test can help identify which patients are likely to have a relapse within 24-60 months.
5 June 11 15:20, Yael Gruntman
Glycominds Ltd. reported today that it had reached an important milestone in developing personalized therapy approaches for patients with multiple sclerosis. The company said that it has discovered a method for predicting clinical episodes in people who suffer from multiple sclerosis. These test results have proven with statistical significance that the gMS®Pro CDMS blood test has a good chance of identifying which patients are likely to have a relapse within 24-60 months.
The clinical test results were presented last weekend at the annual conference of the CMSC (Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers) and confirm previous clinical results.
Results of the study, which took place in the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, showed that patients who had already experienced an initial neural episode and tested positive in the Glycominds test, experienced a second episode within two years.
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