MS ADVOCACY 101 – How to Get Workplace Accomodations

Stuart SchlossmanFor the Benefit of the Patient, News from the MS Foundation

Source: Movers and Shaker – from The MS Foundation

Many people with disabilities want to remain in the workforce. Often a small change in the work environment can make a huge difference. Perhaps you are in an older building which has no rails in the bathroom, or ramp beside stairs to enter. Perhaps you work in a warm environment that causes your symptoms to flair, but could be helped with a fan or other simple accomodation. With knowledge, you too can respectfully ask for corrections and stay at your current job.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects the disabled – even in the workplace. The Act specifically brings the workplace into focus for those living – and working – with a disability. We all know how hard asking for help can be. But, knowing you have a right, if disabled, to expect “reasonable accommodations” in any workplace where there are 15 or more workers could help you stand up and speak out for yourself.

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