Tulsa Woman Uses ‘Hog Therapy’ To Deal With MS – Yes… Hog Therapy!!

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story, Inspirational, Multiple Sclerosis Videos

Rick Wells, News On 6
TULSA, Oklahoma — This story is one about the choices life gives us. It begins with a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.
There’s also a powerful love story at work here, and something unorthodox sounding:  hog therapy.
Eddie Gill is getting his wife Patty’s walker out of the car. She needs a walker because she has Multiple Sclerosis. She was a pharmaceutical rep for more than a dozen years, MS had stolen her identity.
Eddie was concerned for her health and happiness, so he arranged a weekend on horseback; he heard it was good therapy.
“We found this bed and breakfast down in Henryetta,” Eddie said.
It turned out it wasn’t Therapeutic. The horseback riding and the experience wore her down rather than energize her like he had hoped.
“I know what I’ll do, I’ll buy a hog,” Eddie told his wife. Her response: “You’re not getting me on a pig.”
No, not a pig hog, but a Harley Davidson motorcycle. “I can’t get her off of it now,” Eddie said.
They’ve traveled all over on it. They’ve been to Sturgis three times; they’ve ridden through the mountains; and been to Florida.
Eddie puts the walker on the back and they take off. She hasn’t let MS steal her spirit, life has given her a choice, she says and she’s chosen to be happy.
“I’m living my life like I never thought I would,” Patty said.
She says there’s a freedom on the back of that bike she can’t get anywhere else.
“I just call it Hog therapy,” Eddie said.

They’re working on getting a three-wheeled Harley. That will make those long distance trips they take a lot easier on both of them...

Image of Eddie and Patty Gill.  They've been to Sturgis three times.Image of Eddie and Patty Gill. They’ve been to Sturgis three times.

Click here to view complete story with a video

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