WebMD Medical Reference
Reviewed By Louise Chang, MD
The symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) can affect your ability to move around. You may be experiencing tightness, pain, and weakness, especially in the muscles and joints. Physical therapy may help.
Physical therapy cannot cure the primary symptoms of MS (such as weakness, tremors, tingling, numbness, loss of balance, vision impairment, paralysis, and bladder or bowel dysfunction), but therapy can enable you to compensate for the changes brought about by MS. These “compensatory treatments,” as they’re called, include learning about new movement techniques, strategies, and equipment.
Physical therapy can also be very helpful at lessening secondary symptoms of MS. A physical therapist can teach you exercises to strengthen and loosen muscles. Many of these exercises can be performed at home. The goal of physical therapy is to improve your independence and quality of life by improving movement and function and relieving pain.
Physical therapy can help with:
- Balance problems
- Lack of coordination
- Fatigue
- Pain
- Immobility
- Weakness
How Do I Find a Physical Therapist?
How Many Visits Will I Need to Get Relief?
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