Ohio leads nation in MS cases

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, National MS Society Related

By Meghan Millea
Posted Aug 14, 2012
Two-hundred Americans are diagnosed each week with multiple sclerosis, joining the 400,000 already living with the debilitating disease. There are 20,000 people with MS in Ohio alone, more than any other state, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
It’s no wonder doctors such as Union Hospital’s Alok Bhagat have their hands full. He sees 150 to 200 local MS patients each year. The disabling disease attacks the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. People living with MS may experience numbness in the limbs, chronic fatigue or more severe symptoms such as paralysis and loss of vision.
“There is no known cure for multiple sclerosis,” Bhagat said.
But there are more treatment options available to patients, as Bhagat shared during a lecture Thursday in the hospital auditorium. His lecture focused on early diagnoses of the disease, where most advancements can be used to help patients.
Bhagat said people experiencing symptoms such as numbness and fatigue should see their family physician. If the symptoms can’t be explained by simple causes, patients likely will be referred to a neurologist.

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