Dr. Wahl’s Diet – Patient Update

Stuart SchlossmanAlternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), An MS Patients Story

Wow has it already been five months? You know the more used to the
diet I get, the easier it has been to follow, it no longer seems like  a
chore . It is just my lifestyle now. 🙂 You guys I have lost 32 pounds on the
Dr. Wahls’ Diet. This was much needed weight loss but not the reason I went on
this diet. As all of you should already know I have MS, and was at the brink of
despair as all the medicines were and have failed me. And one of the medicines
Gilenya, threatened my quality of life. It was in this moment that I sort of
woke up. It was like for the first time I realized the importance of healthy
living. This was not longer a should, or maybe. It became oh crap if I don’t
get my life in order I won’t be around for my kids. I realized that I had to
make the choice to give up gluten,dairy and processed foods. And I also
realized that I wasn’t going to be missing much accept for more unhealthy
miserable days. Who needs those?? Not a busy wife and mom of two precious boys.

So I did it, I changed my diet and haven’t strayed from it in 5 months 🙂 Dr.
Terry Wahls knows what she is doing. If you want to get well I suggest start
with her book Minding My Mitochondria. This gave me all the tips and strategies
to get going and excellent recipes to follow. You will learn so much about
food, and how we really have to eat organic, clean and healthy foods.

Please give yourself time on this diet/protocol so you can heal. It is going to
take time. So don’t be too frustrated if you don’t see immediate results as
everyone varies, however eating right and exercising is good for everyone. So
it certainly can not hurt you.

So to update you I still feel amazing, I still have more energy, and that is
continually improving. I don’t trip as much anymore so I assume my gait has
gotten better. My right leg use to just out of the blue give out and that has
happened maybe twice in the last 5 months.

My breathing, is 110% better. I use to have a very difficult time breathing but
now I can get the air in without difficulties.

I still have lhermitte’s sign from time to
time, but this also has improved and I at least don’t notice it as much.

I use to get coldness in my feet this is actually gone.

I am still thinking really well, I have memory issues from time to time but
this has also improved immensely.

I am still on Copaxone, I just can’t make myself get off. Maybe when I hear
more stories of people totally off drugs doing well I will be brave enough to
stop. I hate those shots everyday 🙁 But manage.

I have been feeling more adventurous last month I had the privilege to go on a
hot air balloon ride, which was so fun. I also have energy to do more with my
family, and recently started getting serious about exercise again.

As of July 31st I started walking daily then I was strong enough to RUN again

And even more recent I started a workout program through beachbody and since I
have done their other programs and love them because they also work. I am so
excited about getting healthy that I decided to be a coach.  This will motivate
myself to keep at it, and I hope to help and motivate others.

If you would like me as a coach please sign up FREE using this


Also feel free to like my facebook page and ask any questions about health and
nutrition. I have learned so much and I am always happy to share.

I was also invited to be apart of Dr. Terry Wahls’ next book as a success
story, which I am honored 🙂

In other awesome news I have 500+ likes on my facebook page. So happy to share
my experiences and hear how it is helping people. I love getting messages from
people sharing their successes on this diet. https://www.facebook.com/drwahlsgirl

And more importantly I am happy again, and excited to be living. I lost that
happiness early this year with all the issues, and while I was on betaseron I
was so depressed. So it is nice to be taking back my own health again and being
truly happy 🙂 I can’t wait to update you all next month. I know I will be even
better. Please share how you all are doing. I love to hear!! Thanks again for
liking Dr. Wahls’ Girl and joining me in this journey of getting healthy! 

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