A Grandchild’s thought on the MonSter

Stuart SchlossmanInspirational, Misc. MS Related

you ever known someone with multiple sclerosis? I have it can be a burden and a
blessing. A negative because it is something you can’t control. A positive
because you can still live your life and feel strong.
To begin with, I have learned that multiple sclerosis isn’t
something you can control. There are some days that will feel easier than
others. MS is a disease that affects 2.5 million people worldwide. The best
approach to the situation is to make sure you have the right medication to
subdue the disease. Multiple Sclerosis teases the brain. A good mind-state is
essential, be optimistic. For example I have no car to drive but I still have
productive mentally, it helps. As long as you keep the flame lit there’s always
a chance, for a cure, better medication, or just the simplest thing happiness.
In addition, it is a perfect time to overcome adversity. Many
people still function and live normal lives. You can’t give up when you are
supposed to hurdle. Many people diagnosed, may feel the life taken out of them,
it’s up to you to restore it. I previously said there are 2.5 million people
worldwide being affected. Again I am telling you there’s 2.5 million worldwide
living with it. Like it was told to me you can lead a horse to fresh water but
you can’t make it drink. The ability to thrive depends on your drive and will.
For example, my grandfather a man of men has dealt with multiple sclerosis for
multiple years, sometimes it fiddles with him more then he lets on, but at the
end of the day he’s pushing through like an old school Chevy truck. Bottom line
is there’s ways to fight this, don’t lay down and take it!
In Conclusion, know there are positives and negatives for
everyone that breaths air. Multiple Sclerosis is another thing to surpass.
Although you can’t control it, you can still control how you feel about it!
-Luis Reyes


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