Uthoff’s Phenomena and summer fun with MS

Stuart SchlossmanAdditional MS resource sites, Symptoms

Posted by Patrick Leer—April 29th, 2013
Living with MS as a family in the summer takes more than sunscreen. Those lazy hazy crazy days of summer are quintessential to family fun unless of course someone has Multiple Sclerosis.
Uthofff’s Phenomena- at the risk of oversimplification- is a worsening of neurologic symptoms in multiple sclerosis when the body gets overheated.
In our story Patti is strongly affected by Uthoff’s Phenomena. Pushing her wheelchair from any air conditioned building to our air conditioned wheelchair accessible van, her speech becomes almost immediately slurred to incomprehensible.
It’s also a most dangerous symptom because depending on care situation or living situation in case of fire or prolonged exposure to sun the person with MS with worsening neurologic abilities becomes confused, weak, and potentially unable to summon or even understand help.
Horrible tragedies can happen yes, but living with MS as a family is about adapting and more importantly preparing.


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