Sex and Multiple Sclerosis

Stuart SchlossmanMisc. MS Related, Multiple Sclerosis

By , GuideJuly 30, 2013

I recently read Mary Roach’s book entitled, Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Sex and Science. The book covers the “science” of sex – how sex has been studied in the past and what the conclusions have been in terms of why certain things happen during sex (or not).
Mary is an amazing author and can turn any subject into fodder for delightful reading. One thing that I came away with, however, is that sex relies heavily on our nervous system to be successful and enjoyable. While I am pretty sure that this is not news to anyone, it helps to remember that those of us with multiple sclerosis are at a distinct disadvantage in many instances when it comes to sex, since important neural pathways do not function the same in us as in people without MS.
All is not lost, however. There is much that we can do to bring the necessary spark to our sexual encounters. Like many other activities, though, sex may have to be a little more deliberate and require a little more effort on our parts to be all that it can be.
Have a look at some of the following articles on sex and MS:
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