2013 MS Symposium WEBCAST archive of our Live program on September 28th in Miami, Florida

Stuart SchlossmanMS Educational Programs, MS Views and News, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis Videos, Nutrition

OKAY everybody – HERE is the Link that many of you have been waiting to receive.
This is the Un-edited version of the 2013 MS Symposium. 

Yes, it is long, but remember you will be watching on YouTube and you can pause and restart and pause and restart. 

There are (3) different sessions. 
1) One with two MS neurologists (Fonseca and Steingo),
2) then a panel of Complimentary and Alternative therapies 
(Melissa Kaplan, Nutrition; Jane Kauffman, Acupuncture; and Michelle Alva, Relaxtion techniques)
3)  and our (3rd) session with a personal trainer, Jeffrey Segal for adaptive exercise with MS

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