Teva: Laquinimod reduces brain damage in MS patients

Stuart SchlossmanMS Drug Therapies, MS Research Study and Reports, Oral MS Medications

Teva CSO: Laquinimod might also help treat Crohn’s disease, lupus nephritis, Huntington’s disease and Alzheimer’s.

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.  and Active Biotech  today published positive results of a Phase III clinical trial of Laquinimod, an oral treatment for multiple sclerosis. The study found the drug reduced neurodegeneration, slowing the progression of locomotor disability in multiple sclerosis patients.

The study found that, compared with a placebo, patients treated with laquinimod had decreased rates in brain tissue damage shown by various MRI markers, specifically less atrophy of white matter, grey matter, and thalamic atrophy. They also developed fewer permanent black holes, and accumulated less damage in normal appearing brain tissue.
“These analyses reinforce our faith in the potential of laquinimod and we are proud to announce that we plan to initiate a clinical trial of the drug in multiple sclerosis to gather even more evidence of this novel mechanism of action,” said Teva president of Global R&D and CSO Dr. Michael Hayden. “We also believe the potential neuroprotective benefits of laquinimod could have significant application in the treatment of other diseases like Crohn’s disease, lupus nephritis, Huntington’s disease and Alzheimer’s.
Teva is also conducting a third Phase III laquinimod trial to evaluate two doses of the drug in 1,800 patients for up to 24 months. The primary endpoint is the time to confirmed disability progression as measured by the EDSS. The study will also examine the laquinimod’s effect on endpoints such as amount of change in brain volume, and other clinical and MRI markers of multiple sclerosis activity.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on October 1, 2013
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