More Neurologists Now Mention Once-Daily Dosing As Aubagio’s Biggest Advantage

Stuart SchlossmanOral MS Medications

Nov. 25, 2013,
Two-Thirds of Surveyed U.S. Neurologists Have Prescribed Genzyme’s Aubagio to Their Multiple Sclerosis Patients at One Year Post-Launch

More Neurologists Now Mention Once-Daily Dosing As Aubagio’s Biggest Advantage Compared With Earlier in Launch, According to a New Report from BioTrends Research Group

EXTON, Pa., Nov. 25, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — BioTrends Research Group, one of the world’s leading research and advisory firms for specialized biopharmaceutical issues, finds that two-thirds of surveyed U.S. neurologists have prescribed Genzyme’s Aubagio, the second oral disease-modifying therapy (DMT) to reach the multiple sclerosis (MS) market, to at least one of their MS patients at one year post-launch. This increase in prescriber base represents a modest expansion compared with six months ago when Biogen Idec’s Tecfidera, the third oral DMT to market, became commercially available.

Neurologist-reported patient share for Aubagio among relapsing-remitting MS (RR-MS) patients treated with DMTs has also remained stable at two percent over the past six months. Reflecting increased product awareness and neurologist familiarity compared with earlier in the launch, significantly more surveyed neurologists now know that Aubagio is dosed once daily, providing a potential point of differentiation with recently launched, twice-daily Tecfidera. In fact, while Aubagio’s oral formulation continues to be identified top-of-mind as the product’s single biggest advantage compared with other currently available treatment options for MS, more surveyed neurologists now mention Aubagio’s once-daily administration as its biggest advantage than at one, three, and six months post-launch.

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