Ginseng May Improve Quality of Life For Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Symptoms, Vitamins and Supplements

Dec 31, 2013

A recent double-blind, randomized pilot trial has found evidence that regular ginseng supplementation may reduce fatigue caused by multiple sclerosis. Researchers at the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in Iran also found that ginseng may improve patients’ quality of life.
Over 50 participants completed the pilot study. Subjects were assigned to receive either two placebo pills or two 250 mg tablets of ginseng for a period of three months. During this time period, no adverse events were reported. Both a reduction in fatigue and an improvement in reported quality of life (measured through questionnaires) were significant for individuals taking the ginseng supplement.
Although this small trial is not conclusive, it does indicate that ginseng supplementation may be a viable option for natural treatment of certain MS side effects. Fatigue and depression commonly factor among the long list of related ailments affecting people with MS. Ginseng may interact with some pharmaceuticals, but under consultation with a physician or pharmacist, it can often be safely taken and well tolerated.
Natural relief for MS symptoms
Ginseng is not the only herbal remedy for MS symptoms or the side effects of MS medications. Many natural treatments for MS exist, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, and supplements. Other treatments, such as yoga, speech therapy, bladder control training, and meditation have also received considerable support for their effectiveness at battling certain MS-related problems.
Many individuals with MS experience symptoms such as numbness or tingling in joints, nerve degeneration, mental deterioration, walking or balance problems, bladder infections or bowel dysfunction, vision problems, pain, spasticity, and other conditions related to nerve and muscle health. In some cases, tremors, swallowing problems, seizures, hearing loss, and breathing troubles may also occur.
Read more: Natural News
Article Source: Atlanta Blackstar
Disclaimer – Seek the Advice of your healthcare professional before beginning any herbal or vitamin regimen. Certain meds and alternatives can counter-act each other
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