Options and Choices – The Will of the People – Be Heard

Stuart SchlossmanMisc. MS Related, MS Drug Therapies

Thousands of Multiple Sclerosis patients are getting worse each day; They need another Option, another choice

I created a petition

The drug (LEMTRADA) was recently been approved in Canada,
Australia and Europe, but was denied late last year (December 2013) by the FDA

To be delivered to FDA Drug Info and Ms. Glendolynn Johnson, Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee
We seek an FDA reversal on their December 30, 2013 decision to NOT approve Sanofi’s Lemtrada, a Multiple Sclerosis Treatment. Patients needs this Medication-option Approved


Thousands of Multiple Sclerosis patients are getting worse each day, when currently used medications are not working for them or their body refuses to accept the medication.

Another Option is needed and this Option Should be Lemtrada

The FDA on December 30, 2013 Denies the use of Lemtrada for MS Patients. THIS was A sad day for people with more active Multiple Sclerosis.

Lemtrada has been approved worldwide, but not good enough for us it seems, in the USA.

We are more than 400,000 strong (living with MS) in the USA
WE NEED YOUR VOTE to give another OPTION to those that Can benefit from this medication; hoping to keep them from severe disability.


Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Seriously – We need to Try to get the FDA to Reverse their decision.. A decision that one day, might affect you or someone you know.

Your vote is needed

PLEASE SIGN and SHARE with everybody in your address book , and ask them to share with their address books too

• Let us FLOOD the OFFICE of this FDA committee with responses for this petition that asks for another treatment option… 
Thank you    


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