Cutting-Edge {ADULT} Stem Cell Research at Tisch MS Research Center of New York

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, Stem Cell Related

REPAIR, REGENERATE & RENEW: Cutting-Edge Stem Cell Research at
Tisch MS Research Center of New York

Our adult stem cell treatment received FDA approval for a Phase I Clinical Trial that has the potential to repair the damage caused by MS.
This exciting milestone took over ten years to reach and brings indescribable hope to MS patients and their loved ones all over the world. 


Our stem cell therapy is the star of the research program at the Tisch MS Research Center of New York (Tisch MSRCNY), a 501(c)(3), independent, non-profit research center dedicated to finding the cause of and cure for multiple sclerosis (MS). The Center focuses on patient-based research, bringing findings rapidly from the laboratory into clinical application to treat symptoms of MS and to halt or reverse damage caused by the disease. 

About MSMS is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that attacks the myelin sheath that surrounds axons around nerves and can cause numbness, pain, vision loss, difficulty walking, and even paralysis. 

  •  MS affects 2.3 million people worldwide
  •  Over 400,000 people in the U.S. suffer from MS
  •  Every week, approximately 200 people are diagnosed with MS
  •  MS affects young adults in their prime as most are diagnosed between age  20-40
  •  MS affects twice as many women than men
  •  The cause of MS is not yet known
  •  Although there are some treatments that may halt progression, there is no cure for MS

In 2003, Drs. Saud A. Sadiq, Violaine Harris and their research team began leading the stem cell science revolution by conducting research on strategies to repair the damage caused by MS.


In 2007, we started the process of obtaining FDA approval for a Phase I clinical trial. Finally, in August 2013, we received FDA approval to move ahead! 

  • The objective of the Phase I trial is to test safety.
  • Data from the Phase I trial will lead to an improved strategy for Phase II
  • Positive outcomes of the trial may indicate the use of this therapy in other neurological diseases like ALS and Parkinson’s Disease, cerebral palsy and spinal cord injuries.

Why Stem Cells? In pre-clincal, non-human experiments of our stem cell therapy, renewal, repair and regeneration of myelin occurred in the CNS after intrathecal (via spinal fluid, not intravenous) injection.

From our preclinical models, we know that stem cells injected into the spinal fluid can have significant benefit in terms of improved neurological symptoms.

MS is characterized by brain inflammation, loss of myelin, damage to oligodendrocytes (the cells that make myelin), damage to neurons, and scar formation in the brain. As a result, nerve signals are not properly conducted, causing loss of neurological function. Stem cells are hypothesized to promote repair in MS by migrating to areas of demyelination, blocking damage-forming events, and enabling repair. 

Why Neural Stem Cells?Our unique clinical trial uses adult autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells as a source for neural progenitors (MSC-NPs) to promote myelin repair that can potentially reverse or prevent disability in MS patients. Tisch MSRCNY is the only MS Center that has received FDA approval for a stem cell therapy using MSC-NPs for MS patients


  • Bone marrow is taken from patient’s hip or sternum
  • The sample is taken to the laboratory to isolate and expand the mesenthymal stem cells (MSCs)
  • Neural progenitors (NPs) are derived from the MSCs to produce MSC-NPs
  • MSC-NPs are injected into the patient’s spinal fluid
  • This process is repeated once every three months


We are eager to start the study.

There’s only one thing we now critically need: FUNDING

We are applying for grants from federal, state and private entities to help fund the multi-phase study. To get started, we need to equip our lab with essential supplies listed below to conduct the study on the 20 patients.

The cost for each treatment is approximately $10,000, so the total cost for 20 patients who receive 3 treatments each for Phase I is approximately $600,000. 



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