Fitness Saved My Life: From MS Patient to Elite Triathlete

Stuart SchlossmanAlternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), An MS Patients Story

Fitness Saved My Life: From MS Patient to Elite Triathlete
Six years ago, Aurora Colello—a 40-year-old mother of four in San Diego—never worried about her health. Though her habits were questionable (she grabbed fast food on the run, downed sugary coffees and candy for energy, and had never set foot inside a gym), Colello didn’t look sick: “I used to think that because I was skinny, I was healthy.”
She wasn’t.
And on a random day in November 2008 while making lunch for her children, Colello completely lost her vision in her right eye. Later, an MRI revealed white lesions all over her brain. Inflammation of her optic nerve signaled Multiple Sclerosis (MS), an often debilitating and incurable autoimmune disease. Doctors told her words that no woman thinks she’ll ever hear: “You’ll be in a wheelchair in less than five years.

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