“Using Fitness to Beat the MonSter (MS)”

Stuart SchlossmanAlternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Stuart Schlossman interviews David Lyons (TV Producer/Author) about his MS Journey and how Diet/Exercise/Body Building helped him Beat Down The MS MonSter.

LISTEN to this 40 minute Blog Talk Radio interview on: “Using Fitness to Beat the MonSter (MS)” : 


In addition to listening to the above Informational interview, you can watch a personal trainer (Jeff Segal) who speaks/demonstrates, at many of our meetings by clicking this link which will bring you to the MS Views and News YouTube channel. When the Video opens, use the scroll bar to Fast Forward to the time of 1:09:14 – to watch and hear Jeff’s presentation
Neither “Stu’s Views and MS News” / “MS Views and News” is saying that fitness will cure MS. We do though, encourage all to do some form of fitness as keeping ‘fit” can be beneficial to you and those around you. Additionally, Please Consult with your physician before beginning any exercise routine that you are not currently doing.
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