A future MS Medication for those with SPMS currently available in New Zealand for comassionate-ground use

Stuart SchlossmanMS Drug Therapies, MS Research Study and Reports

June 18, 2014 by Proactive Investors

Innate Immunotherapeutics’ multiple sclerosis treatment benefits patients on compassionate grounds in New Zealand

Innate Immunotherapeutics’ multiple sclerosis treatment benefits patients on compassionate grounds in New Zealand

Innate Immunotherapeutics (ASX:IIL) drug candidate for secondary progressive multiple sclerosis continues to benefit patients being treated on compassionate grounds in New Zealand.

It is also providing the company with strong data and results from use of MIS416 which show the majority of patients in the program are benefitting from its use.
Of the 24 patients using drug candidate MIS416, 15 were previously subjects in the company’s Phase 1B/2A trial and had requested ongoing access to the drug after completion of the trial.

Out of the 24 patients, 18 have SPMS while 6 have the rarer primary progressive form of multiple sclerosis.

The median time on treatment for all compassionate use patients is now approaching 24 months and these patients have received an average of 52 doses of MIS416.

While a compassionate use program cannot be used to prove the safety or efficacy of a drug, important information can still be collected from the doctors involved and the patients who are being treated in this manner.


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