Anger as Ally: Experiences in Caregiving

Stuart SchlossmanCaregiver related, Multiple Sclerosis

Information provided by: Cherie C. Binns RN BS MSCN

Jane Carrington

My life as a
caregiver is often fraught with anger, and it is a daily struggle to avoid
taking that anger out on my loved one. I think we all experience some degree of
anger about the fact that illness is a big inconvenience in our life. I mean, I
wanted to travel, not change bedpans. I wanted to have children, not sit in
hospital waiting rooms. I wanted to enjoy my free time, not complain about not
having any. Anger goes with the territory. Still, I find anger to be a
distasteful feeling. So, I expend a lot of energy pretending I am not angry and
even more energy trying not to burden my loved one with my negative emotions.

Then one day,
someone asked me, “What if anger was your greatest gift? What if anger was your

These two
questions changed my perspective. Gradually, I learned to observe my anger. I
began to keep a list of everything I was angry about, especially the things
that didn’t make any sense. Then, I began to notice patterns to my anger. As I
wrote, I became aware that the help my husband asked for on Monday produced
compassion in me. But the same help he asked for on Thursday enraged me. I
realized that my anger was not about him or his asking for my help. My anger
was a warning – a red flag – that I was doing too much. I was either doing
things for my husband that he could do for himself or I was simply taking on
too many responsibilities. I also became aware that I was too involved. I was
enmeshed in his illness as if it were my own. My responses were exhausting me.

I discovered
that anger is often an illusion, a disguise for something else that’s brewing
underneath. Anger almost always covers fear. I remember one night in
particular. I was bringing my husband home following a hospital stay. We picked
up some take-out food on our way home. For the first time in several weeks, we
were going to enjoy a hot, delicious meal that didn’t come from a hospital
cafeteria. Once home, we sat down at the table and opened our take-out.
Excitedly, I dug into the plate of food before me.

Just before my
fork reached my mouth, my husband exclaimed, “There are plants in the house!
You’ve got to get them out of here! Now!”

treatments had severely compromised his immune system and the doctors advised
him to avoid live plants, raw fruits and vegetables, large crowds, and
children. I was furious that my highly anticipated hot, tasty meal was being
interrupted, furious that by the time I removed all the plants my meal would be
cold, and furious that just when I thought I could relax a moment, I still had
to be on alert. I spewed unpleasant and unkind words as I moved every
houseplant to the back porch. As I calmed down and we began to talk, I realized
what was fueling the anger. I was terrified that the air I breathed every
second of the day and the environment I was accustomed to was suddenly
life-threatening. I was terrified that my husband was at that level of
fragility. I was afraid my husband might die because I breathed on him! Once I
identified and addressed the fear, the anger dissipated. Armed with these
insights, I am better equipped to deal with anger when it arises.

If you can
begin to perceive anger as your ally and work with it, instead of against it,
you will start to see positive changes in your physical and emotional health
and in your relationships. Indeed, anger is a gift – but you must observe it
and embrace it before you can reap its rewards.

Management Strategies

  • Remove
    yourself from the situation until you can calm down and reflect.
  • Count to
    10 – or even 20 – to avoid saying or doing things you will regret.
  • Do
    something physical. Get out and take a walk. A change of scenery tends to
    change your perspective, and the physical exertion redirects the stress
    created by the anger.
  • When
    overwhelmed, find ways to let go of any unnecessary responsibilities.
    Prioritize, and/or ask for help.
  • Start a
    list of things that make you angry, especially those that make no sense.
    What are the fears that lie beneath?
  • If you
    are reacting to your loved ones illness as if it were your own, take a
    step back and find respite.

Carrington obtained her B.S. in psychology in an attempt to understand her
mother’s death and the effect that it had on her family. She was a caregiver to
her husband through three diagnoses of cancer, four rounds of chemotherapy, and
a bone marrow transplant. Six months post-transplant, she was diagnosed with
breast cancer, joining the ranks of thousands of caregivers diagnosed with a
serious illness. To help other caregivers care for themselves, she published A
Touch of Hope: A Caregivers Survival Guide. To purchase a copy, visit

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