Insurance Companies, Health Care Costs, and the Chronically ill

Stuart SchlossmanMisc. MS Related

Written by:  Debbie Petrina

“The Need to Fight Back”
Medical insurance companies are out of control because they have too much control. The same can be said about pharmaceutical companies and other large health organizations like hospitals.
Getting coverage, keeping coverage, being able to afford coverage are huge headaches for us. We need them and they know it. These greedy companies have tremendous power and resources, leaving us at their mercy. They decline truly needed things that our specialists recommend for us.
A fellow MS Blogger, Dave Bexfield, recently won a claim against a large insurance company that wrongfully denied payment for his life-saving stem cell procedure.  His 4-year persistent battle that included the help of NY Times’ The Haggler finally ended with his victory.
A victory that hopefully will inspire many others to follow his lead and fight for their rights. More people need to do this; there is strength in numbers. We are the buyers of their products; our voices and actions against their wrongdoings as a group can impact their control. Especially if we get our victories publicized by all types of media and large organizations; like Dave’s involvement with the New York Times and his social media bombardment that followed.
Fighting for your rights from insurance companies is hard work, especially when you are ill. It requires a tremendous amount of energy, time, patience and often money; things that people—especially the chronically ill–don’t have much of. The frustration and stress that one endures with the phone calls alone can turn the sanest person insane–long hold waits, dropped calls, rerouted calls, not being able to talk to a person… Most people who take on the fight with these big guns eventually give up; these companies count on it.
Those of us who are truly sick and trying to have quality in our lives are getting doors slammed in our faces for things that could help provide more quality or relief. We pay big bucks for our insurance coverage with our limited incomes that suffer because of our disabilities/illnesses.
Give us the benefits we pay for or are entitled to! Blow the whistle when something is just wrong.
 If your doctor recommends a drug, procedure, equipment, etc., make sure you get it.
An insurance company should NOT be the one who determines what’s best for your health—it should be your doctor and you!
 Read your claim statements carefully to make sure they are accurate.

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