The Incredible Pressure To Be Well – a patient’s story

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

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I’m am motivated to write this post because a wonderful MS friend of mine is going through a relapse. My friend had a life saving autologous bone marrow transplant about 2 years ago. 

Before transplant she was paralyzed. After transplant she got back to living a pretty normal life. Walking, exercising, even running down her hallway, traveling, moving to a new house, etc….

She has, “malignant MS.” Only 5% of MS patients have this particular type. I happened to check on her 2 days ago and heard this difficult news. She proceeded to tell me that she had a relapse, and didn’t want to tell anyone for fear of upsetting her friends, family and followers online.
 It was then and there that I thought about what she said. THERE IS THIS HUGE PRESSURE TO BE WELL. Especially after you’ve had stem cell treatment. For some, a stem cell treatment may be a final hope. Most patients feel pressure to tell everyone around them that they’re good! 
I don’t think that’s always the case. It’s a pressure that drains precious energy and causes anxiety. Speaking up, sharing with friends and family is so necessary. 
There’s something about “getting it out there,” that will relieve and release.  There’s freedom in speaking “your” truth in EVERY situation! So please don’t worry about raining on someone else’s parade. 
Multiple Sclerosis and other chronically ill patients speak up freely! Whether a stem cell treatment works for you, whether a certain drug treatment does or doesn’t work for you, every patients’ experience is different and adds another important piece to this crazy disease puzzle. 
Every experience is vital information for other patients to have. Share your story! The good, the bad or somewhere in-between and enjoy the freedom that truth brings! 


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