A Zombie Goes Down the MRI Tube

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story


Written by: Yvonne deSousa
ms zombie
Earlier this week, someone posted the above picture in one of my FacebookMS groups.
(Sorry, fellow MS’er and poster.  I didn’t want to steal your pic but I really liked it and was desperate for a blog post idea.)
I laughed out loud at the picture and immediately commented that I loved it.  Some of my fellow MS friends agreed.
Some did not.
They respectfully brought up the fact that images like this one can diminish MS, appear to make fun of MS or give people a false sense of what we go through.
I had never thought of it this way and since I respect all opinions, and have a tendency to ponder, I sat with the opposing opinions for a while.  I sat with them right into the next afternoon as I was about to get my 25th MRI.
(Kidding- I haven’t had that many MRIs although it often feels like it.  If it really was my 25th I would be expecting a big present from the technologists.  I think the 25th anniversary is silver which the technologists could NOT give me as no metal is allowed in the MRI room.  Damn, MS got me again!)
Anyway, I did get a little surprise at my MRI place-I have no idea what the official name is- as they have added music to the MRI experience.
People had told me over and over that they have been able to listen to music during their MRIs but I didn’t believe them.  I figured they were just trying to make me jealous.
But apparently it’s true as I was able to listen to music during both days this past week when I was stuck in the tube.

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