Stuart SchlossmanMS Relapse

The first step in managing MS relapse symptoms is to take the medications your doctor has prescribed for you. There are also several things you can do that will help enhance your overall sense of well-being.
Before you make any changes to your diet or exercise regimen, it’s important to discuss them with your healthcare professional to determine what is best for you.

Watch Your Diet

Eat a wide variety of food:
  • Each day, choose from each of the five basic food groups (grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, meat and beans)
  • Be sure to include foods high in complex carbs (whole grains, fruit and vegetables)
Cut back on fat and cholesterol:
  • Eat low-fat dairy products
  • Eat lean cuts of meat
  • Limit your meat consumption to 3 or 4 ounces a day
  • Limit the fat you add to foods, such as butter, oils, dressings, and spreads
Reduce sugar intake:
  • Drink less canned soda and sweetened beverages
  • Drink more water
  • Replace sugar in recipes with seasonings like vanilla extract, mint, cinnamon, or ginger
Avoid too much sodium:
  • Add less than one-half teaspoon of salt per day to your food
  • Add flavor to recipes with onions, garlic, parsley, celery, basil, or rosemary

Add Moderate Exercise

When you have MS, it’s important not to overstress your body. This may cause fatigue. However, there are things you can do that can help with the stiffness and fatigue that MS relapses can cause:
  • Work with a physical therapist to tailor an exercise program that’s right for you
  • Think of exercise as more than running, jumping, or similar aerobic activities. Try to make stretching exercises a part of your day
  • Don’t overexert yourself as this will raise your core body temperature and may make symptoms worse

Manage Your Day

Save your energy:
  • Balance periods of activity with periods of rest
  • Plan a daily or weekly schedule of activities and alternate heavy and light tasks
  • Pace yourself; rest before you become exhausted
  • Plan menus before you go to the store and take a shopping list with you
  • Use the same grocery store so you’ll know where items are located
  • Set priorities: focus on things that are important and don’t feel guilty about not finishing unimportant tasks

Make Your Space MS-Friendly

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