ClinicSpeak: PML and dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera)

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, Oral MS Medications

October 24, 2014

How should we deal with the PML risk in patients on Tecfidera? #ClinicSpeak #MSBlog #MSResearch

“Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy or PML is classed as an opportunistic infection and typically occurs in patients who are immunosuppressed as a result of cancers, in particular haematological malignancies, immunosuppression from medication, or specific diseases such as HIV that are associated with immune suppression.”

“The fact that Biogen-Idec reported a case of PML on their formulation of dimethyl fumarate or DMF (Tecfidera) two days ago appears to have triggered a panic response. My email inbox is full of queries from anxious patients and colleagues about what we should do.”

“I have noted a spike in Google Trends when using the search terms ‘Tecfidera and PML’. The questions I have been asked are:

1. Should we treat the risk of PML on DMF in the same way do the risk on natalizumab?

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