Biogen and the National MS Society weigh in on the first reported death of an MS patient taking Tecfidera who developed PML.

Stuart SchlossmanOral MS Medications

Patient Taking Tecfidera for MS Dies of Rare Brain Infection
October 30, 2014
Biogen Idec Inc., maker of the popular multiple sclerosis (MS) pill dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera), announced the death of a patient taking the drug who succumbed to complications from a rare brain infection. Executives broke the news during a conference call with analysts last Wednesday.
The brain infection known as progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) took the life of a European patient who had been on the popular pill for more than four years. The patient was taking part in a long-term safety study of Tecfidera.
“The patient was a participant in the ongoing ENDORSE extension study,” confirmed Catherine Falcetti, associate director of public affairs for Biogen, in an interview with Healthline.
“This patient was treated with Tecfidera for 4.5 years as part of the ENDORSE study,” explained Falcetti. “They developed PML and recently died due to complications associated with aspiration pneumonia.”

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