Two Progressive MS Phase III Trials to be Presented at AAN Annual Meeting

Stuart SchlossmanMS Research Study and Reports, Multiple Sclerosis

March 2015 –

biotinMyelin — the fatty substance that wraps around nerve cells — is lost inmultiple sclerosis (MS). Is there any way to get it back or to stop the deterioration of myelin? Researchers at MedDay Pharmaceuticals think that their drug may provide the solution. Known as MD1003, the medication targets the process of forming myelin, called myelination. It may stop the disease from progressing.
MedDay has announced that data from the first pivotal Phase III study using MD1003, a highly-concentrated pharmaceutical-grade biotin for use in primary and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, will be presented at the Clinical Trials Plenary Session at The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting, Washington DC on Friday April 24th at 1200 EST.
Two multi-center double-blind placebo-controlled trials in progressive MS examining the effects of MD1003 will be featured. The studies have been ongoing in France and the UK. Researchers completed the first pivotal Phase III study in 150 patients in early 2015. The second study should be finished by the end of the year.

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