YES! YES! YES! Guided Meditations To BE The Love We Wish To See In The World

Stuart SchlossmanAlternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

YES! YES! YES! Guided Meditations To BE The Love We Wish To See In The World cover art

by Michelle Alva

Dear Friends,
I am so excited to share with you these new YES! YES! YES!
Guided Meditations which are ways to quickly and easily raise your vibration to
align more love, worthiness, forgiveness, romantic love, and joy. I especially
love the one on I AM WORTHY, as this is something I struggled with most of my
life, which led me to become an over-achiever and burnt out at an early age,
and it has inspired me to create SOLUTIONS for us to create optimal energy,
health and vitality!

Click HERE to listen for FREE, and if you like
them there is a fee to download them onto your phone or laptop!
Are you feeling a sense of re-birth and renewal as I have been
and my clients too?

I have created an
exciting new 7 hour course to teach individuals how to strengthen their
intuition, our ability to channel divine healing energy, gain clarity,
strengthen our self-healing abilities… so we may serve in an even higher
capacity ourselves, people we love, and everyone on this planet! 

Michelle Alva image
Michelle AlvaMiami, Florida              

FOR further information on Guided Meditations, visit Michelle’s website:

Disclaimer: MS Views and News / Stu’s Views & MS News, does not endorse any product or modality found on our pages but does recommend for you to confirm with your healthcare provider

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