Maximize Energy with the VIBRANTs.

Stuart SchlossmanAlternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), An MS Patients Story

Apr 17, 2015  

Life is a game of
energy—everything we think or do either builds or depletes energy. What you put
in your body that donut, deep-fried Mars bar, or wheat-grass shot; the things
running through your mind whether worry, fear or positive affirmation; they all
impact energy positively or negatively.

We All Want to Maximize Energy, Right . . . ?

7 VIBRANTS, Jon Chandonnet, Maximize Energy
Jon Holding

We all want to maximize energy.
I’m stating the obvious, but I’m going to say it again. We all we want to
maximize energy.

That’s the thing, we all want
it, but are we really
doing the things that bring us energy and avoid the things that drain or block
energy. If you’re living out of alignment with your body’s natural energy flow
or blocking it unknowingly because of what you’re doing or thinking, you won’t
be living your most VIBRANT life. It’s that simple.

Getting the energy to flow more
easily could be a matter of minor alterations to your daily routine—your
habits. What you eat for breakfast; what you listen to as you drive to work,
whether you take a walk at lunch or not; what you talk about around the dinner
table; how you track your expenses, or the thoughts you allow to run through
your head when your head hits the pillow at the end of the day.

7 Principal States of Being

There are seven principal
states of being that show how we’re collecting and reflecting energy. You’ve
maybe heard of them as chakras. We see them a little different and call them
the 7 VIBRANTs.
They embody our well-being.
They’re how we experience life. They focus thought and action to attract and
reflect energy into the most critical aspects of your life with a goal to
maximize energy.

How We Can Assist You
Our purpose at Vibrant Living
Inc. is to assist you to align your energy centers with the VIBRANTs—to focus
your thoughts and actions so you can attract and reflect greater energy into
your life and live most VIBRANT-ly.

The VIBRANTs are like your dog
sled team. Get your seven puppies humming and harness your potential to live
your best life.

If you’re interested in a free VIBRANT assessment to spot light
opportunities to improve your energy and vibrancy, email :  

There are three more free VIBRANT assessment spots
available. If you’d like to claim one, let me know.

I look forward to hearing from
you! There’s no down side and the upside is based on the opportunities you want
to pursue.

Do you want to make your
life life more VIBRANT?

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